Lovena Peng Loo 1972--2007
It's been a very sad few days. A friend of mine was senselessly murdered by burglars this past weekend.
I got to know Peng over a few days when I was in Malaysia. We both stood in Ian and Julianne's wedding. It was my first time in Malaysia. Peng would look after me, teaching me bits of Cantonese so I could understand better when people spoke "chinglish". She even gave me a Cantonese name, which she used over the years as we kept up over gmail and IM.
I've been rereading those conversations. She would check up on me when she found out I had a cold, teach me Cantonese phrases, and talk about career searching. She was so willing to serve God with the gifts she had, and so intent on hearing from Him about that. I told her that the most important aspect of her job would probably not be the activity, but the people she would minister to. That's just the kind of person she was....
We always thought it was great that even though our Meyer Briggs personality types were exact opposites, and that we lived literally a world apart, we would talk and keep up with each other.
I will really miss her.
Now we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also we believe that God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep as Christians. (NET) I Thes 4:13
I am really sorry to hear the sad news. It is amazing to think people will murder someone over simple possessions like that.
I wish you the best.
Matt -
My most sincere condolences for the loss of your friend; her spirit will live on in your memory of her. Best wishes to you and those suffering with her loss.
- John Quigley
This is the "Ian" mentioned in the blog (from Malaysia).
If you want to read more about Peng, check out the
"pengyaus" Yahoo group:
Mr. Beckman,
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It's a shame that such senseless acts still occur. At least you can still hold fond memories of a great friend, though.
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